The journey of “SAMARPAN”, the school’s annual function has been a beautiful, enriching and joyful one that has the elements of education as well as entertainment. The title of the function signifies the motive of education. SAMARPAN teaches the ‘TOTAL ENGROSSMENT OF ONESELF’ or ‘To DEDICATE’ or ‘DEVOTE’ one’s PHYSICAL SELF / BODY, TIME, ENERGY, PASSION / ZEAL, EMOTIONAL FEELINGS for the responsibilities and duties, which helps them to be exemplary citizens in society.
Our students and teachers come together to start the day with Morning Assembly. In morning assembly, we ensure each child get a chance to perform on his / her House turn. This is also the time to felicitate award winners and participants in various fields.
We organize separate assembly for Pre-Primary up to Grade 3 where the teachers lead the songs and prayer, however students also get chance to address the Assembly on pre-prepared topics and to perform other activities with teachers. This is to enhance their communication skills and also give them more exposure to public speaking and being on stage.
The Read ‘N’ Grow Contest, a venture to promote the reading habit is the brainchild of the school. A slew of Competitions like the Poster Making, Certificate Designing, Blurb and Review Writing are held throughout the year culminating in the Inter House Event.
We mark all festivals, Birth Anniversaries of important Personalities and different Houses are given the responsibility of the same. Students and teachers plan for the Special assembly and present it before entire School. All the students are encouraged to participate in it.
We also Celebrate birthdays of our students on Morning Assembly to make it a memorable and special day for them.
The school aims at inculcating social responsibility in its students by involving them in various activities that revolve around a social cause. Down the years the school has undertaken Projects such as Cleanliness, Road Safety Awareness, Roti Bank Campaign and Care for the Elderly to name a few.
It is rightly said that a family that prays together stays together. So, we read, eat and paint together with the aim to socialise, learn, share and enjoy the essence and feeling of oneness.
Through Visual Arts, we let our students explore and perform their artistic skills, imagination and creativity. We provide opportunities to all students, right from Pre-Primary to Secondary to perceive, respond to, create and communicate through Art and Craft.
At Jai Arihant, we help students bring out their creativity as well as develop their personality. Performing arts at Jai Arihant is all about self-expression, exploring other choices and embracing individuality which allows them to develop self-confidence and belief in themselves.
For promoting learning by observation and involvement, the various educational visits, tours and excursions are organized to places of historical, scientific and social interests in and around Nagpur. Such visits leave an indelible mark on the young minds and mould them towards their mission life.
Sports is an integral part of our education. The educational framework at JAINS leverages sports to nurture active, alert and well balanced individuals.
At JAINS, the students will benefit from a scientific and professional sports training and curriculum.
The importance of sports in the life of a student goes beyond the basic concept of keeping children fit.
JAINS offers an extensive range of outdoor and indoor games and sports facilities that aid in the all-round development of our students.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities organized by various clubs, such as Literary Club, GK Club, Eco Club, Cultural Club, Health & Wellness Club and Heritage Club. These activities promote and enhance the inherent potential of the students.
With the purpose to provide opportunity to all ages to work together, creating a truly cohesive environment and ensuring that age is not a barrier to friendship and collaboration, house system is introduced in school. Whole School is divided in 4 Houses i.e. Rishabh House, Samarpan House, Sanmati House & Vardhman House.
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